Experience the joy of remembering the daf day after day.
If you learn Daf Yomi and
live in Ramat Bet Shemesh then...
You eligible to try the 10 Daf a Day Chazara Chabura.
In just 40 minutes a day you'll massively upgrade your learning forever. Once you learn the secret...
If you are like most guys then you can’t really remember or retain what you learned.
Finally a solution.
Introducing The New RBS Daf Yomi Review Program

Approximately 10:00 am Daily for 40 minutes
KSY Kollel, Rabbi Haber's Shul, Nachal Dolev 12, Ramat Bet Shemesh

Here is how it works
What is the chabura?
This is a chazara chabura using the proven Zichru method to review the Daf.
Where is the chabura located?
The new KSY Kollel (Rabbi Haber’s Shul) Nachal Dolev 12, RBSA.
When is it?
Each morning. Approximately 10:00am Daily. Contact us for exact times. 058-550-6162
Why is this important?
Many guys are frustrated that they put in the effort to learn the daf every day but don’t remember it. You might be losing out on the joy of learning. This Zichru review chabura solves this problem.
How does it work?
This program uses the best memory techniques available to support your learning. Each day you receive the three main points in Hebrew and English, a summary illustration, an audio overview, and a video of the daf Siman (memory hook).
The focus of the chabura is review, not learning it for the first time. Each person learns the daf on their own, in their own shiur or chavrusa the day before.
Each day we get together for about 40 minutes. We review the previous day’s daf 3 main points, then review 10 DAF! Yes, it's possible and you can do it too once you learn the secret of the method.
We learn in a "round-robin" style and help one another. We take turns and each person has the opportunity to say the main points of the daf out loud to the rest of the chabura. We help each other. Some people like to do it with their eyes closed and get support from other members to reconstruct the daf points in their minds. It's so much fun and brings it to life. You will be shocked at how much you will remember. It's no longer simply listening to a shiur and having it come in one ear and go out the other!
Whenever possible we also share the halacha l’maasah of the three points so that you will have a clearer understanding of the daf and the actual psak halacha.
RBS Zichru Chabura Challenge
Some things you have to experience for yourself. אינה דומה שמיעה לראיה
After 14 days if you follow the program you're almost guaranteed to have a new level of simcha and mastery of daf yomi that you've never had before. Once you give it a chance for 14 days you'll know if this is for you or not. Warning - most people fall in love with it and see the results before their own eyes. But you'll be the judge of it for yourself.
Why should you consider joining the Chabura?
Watch the video and learn more about this very special opportunity.
In partnership with the world-renowned Zichru memory retention program.

Rabbi Yaakov Goldman